Montessori Schoolhouse
Springfield, IL
Family owned and operated since 1987, the Montessori Schoolhouse specializes
in an education experience that leads to independent, self-motivated students.  
The Montessori Method invites children to explore and learn in an active
engaged manner.  Our students participate in daily Montessori sessions, weekly
foreign language classes (Spanish and Chinese), weekly science classes, and
many special activities throughout the year.

The Montessori Schoolhouse’s Primary Education program offers two multi-age
classrooms.  With a Montessori Certified Teacher leading each classroom and a
low student to teacher ratio, this environment fosters development of the whole
child.  Our professional staff aids in crafting an individual education experience
for each child, based on the needs of the each child.
An Introduction to the Montessori System:
With over 100 years of success based on a prepared learning environment that
values the human spirit and the development of the whole child—physical, social,
emotional, cognitive.  The Montessori Method consists of multi-age groupings that
foster peer learning, uninterrupted blocks of work time, and guided choice of work
activity.  The designed learning environment of the Montessori classroom allows the
child to make guided choices in their development, while the multi-age classrooms
allow for younger children to learn from older students.  Through an interdisciplinary
curriculum children are able to continue to grow from the time they enter the school
until they graduate.

Hands on learning.  The Montessori Method employs specially designed hands on
learning activities for all ages.  Our learning activities are designed to each teach a
single skill at a time, with activities building on each other.  Moving from concrete to
abstract ideas, children are allowed to grow as an individual based on their unique

In the Montessori system children take ownership of their education, making directed
choices regarding their daily work schedule and checking and correcting their own
work. This level of responsibility helps foster the creation of an independent, self-
regulated child.

Classroom is a community.  Our diverse classroom is more than a school, It’s a
community where the children take an active roll in the maintenance of the
classroom.  From guiding their own learning, to passing on knowledge to younger
children, to making sure that the activities in the classroom are properly put away
and cared for, the Montessori classroom plays an integral part in the development of
independent, creative children.

A Learning Triangle.  The classroom is  prepared by the teacher to encourage
independence, freedom within limits, and a sense of order. The child, through
individual choice, makes use of what the environment offers to develop acording to
their own needs and intersts, interacting with the teacher when support and/or
guidance is needed.
For more information on the Montessori
Method and the American Montessori Society

717 Rickard Rd
Springfield, IL 62704

For more information, tours of our school, or enrollment information please contact us at:

Montessori Schoolhouse

717 Rickard Rd Springfield, IL 62704